Monday, September 30, 2013

Programming The Propeller IC

Parallax, well known for its successful Basic Stamp IC, has recently introduced the Propeller: a new microcontroller with a certain difference. It packs no less than eight 32-bit processors (referred to as COGs in Propeller jargon) into a single package with only 40 pins. That design takes genuine simultaneous multiprocessing possible, and the sophisticated internal structure of the device makes it relatively easy to implement video and signal-processing applications. The Propeller can be programmed in assembly language or the high-level Spin language. The processor and the programming tools were developed entirely in-house by Parallax, with the hardware being designed from scratch starting at the transistor level.

Circuit diagram:


Programming The Propeller IC Circuit Diagram

The basic idea behind that was to avoid becoming involved in all sorts of patent disputes with other manufacturers. The result is astounding, and for software developers it certainly requires a change in mental gears. As is customary with modern microprocessors, the Propeller has a simple serial programming interface. The developer’s toolkit from Parallax has a modern USB port for that purpose, but a reasonably simple alternative (illustrated here) is also possible for anyone who prefers to work with the familiar RS232 port. Don’t forget that the Propeller works with a 3.3-V supply voltage.

Copyright: Elektor Electronics

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Battery Juicer

More and more electronic devices are portable and run off batteries. It is no surprise, then, that so many flat batteries find their way into the bin - and often far too early. When a set of batteries can no longer run some device - for example, a flashgun - the cells are not necessarily completely discharged. If you put an apparently unserviceable AA-size cell into a radio-controlled clock with an LCD display it will run for months if not years. Of course not every partially discharged cell can be put in a clock. The circuit presented here lets you squeeze the last Watt-second out of your batteries, providing a bright ‘night light’ - for free!

The circuit features a TBA820M, a cheap audio power amplifier capable of operating from a very low supply voltage. Here it is connected as an astable multivibrator running at a frequency of around 13 kHz. Together with the two diodes and electrolytic capacitor this forms a DC-DC converter which can almost double the voltage from between four and eight series-connected AA-, C- or D-size cells, or from a PP3-style battery. The DC-DC converter is followed by a constant current source which drives the LED. This protects the expensive white LED: the voltages obtained from old batteries can vary considerably.

Battery Juicer Circuit DiagramWith the use of the DC-DC converter and 20 mA constant current source a much greater range of usable input voltages is achieved, particularly helpful at the lower end of the range when old batteries are used. With the constant current source on its own the white LED would not be adequately bright when run from low voltages. An additional feature is the ‘automatic eye’. The LDR detects when the normal room lighting is switched on or when the room is lit by sunlight: its resistance decreases. This reduces the UBE of the transistor below 0.7 V, the BC337 turns off and deactivates the LED.

This prolongs further the life of the old batteries. A further LDR across capacitor C reduces the quiescent current of the circuit to just 4mA (at 4V). Light from the white LED must of course not fall on the LDR, or the current saving function will not work.
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Friday, September 27, 2013

Simple Audio Peak Detector

This audio peak detector allows a pair of stereo channels to be monitored on a single LED. Identical circuitry is used in the left and right channels. Use is made of the switching levels of Schmitt trigger NAND gates inside the familiar 4093 IC. The threshold level for gate IC1.A (IC1.B) is set with the aid of preset P1, which supplies a high impedance bias level via R2 (R1). When, owing to the instantaneous level of the audio signal superimposed on the bias voltage by C3 (C2), the dc level at pins 1 and 2 (5 and 6) of the Schmitt trigger gate drops below a certain level, the output of IC1.A (IC1.B) will go High.

Simple Audio Peak Detector circuit schematic

This level is copied to the input of IC1.C via D2 (D1) and due to the inverting action of IC1.C, LED D3 will light. Network R3-C1 provides some delay to enable very short audio peaks to be reliably indicated. Initially turn the wiper of P1 to the +12 V extreme — LED D3 should remain out. Then apply ‘line’ level audio to K1 and K3, preferably music with lots of peaks (for example, drum ‘n bass). Carefully adjust P1 until the peaks in the music are indicated by D3. The circuit has double RCA connectors for the left and right channels to obviate the use of those rare and expensive audio splitter (‘Y’) cables.
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Isolated 1 Hz Clock Circuit

One of the author’s physics projects required an accurate 1-Hz (seconds) clock signal. Unfortunately, precision 10-MHz quartz crystals are expensive, while another problem was found in the inability of most common or garden 40xx CMOS logic chips to work at such a high frequency. However, a typical CMOS counter like the 4017 has such a high input resistance that its clock input has ‘radio’ properties.

Circuit diagram :

Isolated 1-Hz Clock_Circuit Diagram Isolated 1-Hz Clock Circuit Diagram

The effect is exploited here to convert the stray magnetic field picked up from a mains transformer into a clock signal. Here, the signal is induced in a short piece of wire (approx. 5 cm) connected to the clock input of a CD4017 decade counter for division by 10. The resulting 5-Hz signal is then divided by 5 by a second 4017 (IC2) to give an output of 1 Hz. LED D1 flashes to indicate the presence of a sufficiently strong magnetic field. The pickup wire should be placed close to the mains transformer, without compromising electrical safety. Always use the greatest distance at which a clock signal is reliably generated. For 1-Hz output from 60-Hz power systems, use output 6 of IC2 (pin 5).

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cat and Dog Repeller

Nowadays, just about every house has an outside lamp with a motion sensor. Such a device eliminates the need to feel your way to the front door, and it apparently also scares away intruders. The only problem is that free-running dogs and cats in the neighborhood have little regard for such lamps and continue to deposit their excrement in the garden, once they have found a habitual location there for this purpose. This gave rise to the idea of connecting a sort of siren in parallel with the outside lamp to clearly advise dogs and cats that they are not welcome.

Naturally, it would be nice to avoid startling the entire neighborhood with this alarm signal. Here we can take advantage of the fact that dogs and cats have a significantly better sense of hearing than people. Not only are their ears more sensitive, they can also perceive significantly higher frequencies. With people, the upper limit is around 18 kHz, but dogs and cats can hear frequencies in excess of 20 kHz. We can take advantage of this by building a siren that emits a frequency just above 20 kHz. This will scare off dogs and cats, but people will simply not hear it.

All we need for this is an oscillator with an amplifier stage and a tweeter that can reproduce such high frequencies, such as a piezoelectric tweeter. The schematic diagram shows how easily this can be implemented. The power supply for the entire circuit is formed by the components up to and including C2. The 230-V leads are connected in parallel with the motion-sensor lamp. C1 and R1 provide capacitive coupling to reduce the 230 V to an acceptable voltage. A DC voltage of approximately 9.1 V is generated from this voltage using a bridge rectifier and D1, filtered and buffered by C2. The oscillator is built around R3, C3 and IC1a.

Cat and Dog Repeller Circuit DiagramThe frequency of this oscillator is rather dependent on the specific characteristics of IC1, so the values shown here should be regarded as guidelines. If the oscillator frequency is too high, it can be reduced by increasing the value of R3 and/or C3. If the frequency is too low (which means that the siren tone it is audible), the value of R3 and/or C3 should be increased. The square-wave signal from the oscillator is applied to the input of an H bridge composed of several Schmitt triggers in combination with the final output stages (T1–T4). This approach causes the peak-to-peak value of the square wave signal to be twice the supply voltage.

As a result, a respectable 18 V is obtained across the piezoelectric tweeter, which is sufficient to produce a quite loud whistle tone. When building the circuit, you should bear in mind that it is directly powered from 230 V and not electrically isolated from the mains network. It is thus necessary to avoid contact with all of the components when the circuit is in use. In practice, this means that the circuit must be fitted into a well-insulated, waterproof box. If you want to test the circuit, it is a good idea to first discharge C1 using a resistor, since it can hold a dangerous charge. You must also ensure that components F1, C1, R1 and B1 all have a mutual insulation separation of at least 6 mm!
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Intelligent Presence Simulator

However effective a domestic alarm system may be, it’s invariably better if it never goes off, and the best way to ensure this is to make potential burglars think the premises are occupied. Indeed, unless you own old masters or objects of great value likely to attract ‘professional’ burglars, it has to be acknowledged that the majority of burglaries are committed by ‘petty’ thieves who are going to be looking more than anything else for simplicity and will prefer to break into homes whose occupants are away.
Rather than simply not going on holiday – which is also one solution to the problem (!) – we’re going to suggest building this intelligent presence simulator which ought to put potential burglars off, even if your home is subjected to close scrutiny. Like all its counterparts, the proposed circuit turns one or more lights on and off when the ambient light falls, but while many devices are content to generate fixed timings, this one works using randomly variable durations.
Circuit diagram:
So while other devices are very soon caught out simply by daily observation (often from a car) because of their too-perfect regularity, this one is much more credible due to the fact that its operating times are irregular. The circuit is very simple, as we have employed a microcontroller – a ‘little’ 12C508 from Microchip, which is more than adequate for such an application. It is mains powered and uses rudimentary voltage regulation by a zener diode.
A relay is used to control the light(s); though this is less elegant than a triac solution, it does avoid any interference from the mains reaching the microcontroller, for example, during thunderstorms. We mustn’t forget this project needs to work very reliably during our absence, whatever happens. The ambient light level is measured by a conventional LDR (light dependent resistor), and the lighting switching threshold is adjustable via P1 to suit the characteristics and positioning of the LDR.
Note that input GP4 of the PIC12C508 is not analogue, but its logic switching threshold is very suitable for this kind of use. The LED connected to GP1 indicates the circuit’s operating mode, selected by grounding or not of GP2 or GP3 via override switch S1. So there are three possible states: permanently off, permanently on, and automatic mode, which is the one normally used. Given the software programmed into the 12C508 (‘firmware’) and the need to generate very long delays so as to arrive at lighting times or an hour or more, it has been necessary to make the MCU operate at a vastly reduced clock frequency.
PCB Layout:
In that case, a crystal-controlled clock is no longer suitable, so the R-C network R5/C3 is used instead. For sure, such a clock source is less stable than a crystal, but then in an application like this, that may well be what we’re after as a degree of randomness is a design target instead of a disadvantage. Our suggested PCB shown here takes all the components for this project except of course for S1, S2, and the LDR, which will need to be positioned on the front panel of the case in order to sense the ambient light intensity.
The PCB has been designed for a Finder relay capable of switching 10 A, which ought to prove adequate for lighting your home, unless you live in a replica of the Palace of Versailles. The program to be loaded into the 12C508 is available for free download from the Elektor website as file number or from the author’s own website: On completion of the solder work the circuit should work immediately and can be checked by switching to manual mode.
The relay should be released in the ‘off’ position and energized in the ‘on’ position. Then all that remains is to adjust the day/night threshold by adjusting potentiometer P1. To do this, you can either use a lot of patience, or else use a voltmeter – digital or analogue, but the latter will need to be electronic so as to be high impedance – connected between GP4 and ground. When the light level below which you want the lighting to be allowed to come on is reached, adjust P1 to read approximately 1.4 V on the voltmeter.
If this value cannot be achieved, owing to the characteristics of your LDR, reduce or increase R8 if necessary to achieve it (LDRs are known to have rather wide production tolerances). Equipped with this inexpensive accessory, your home of course hasn’t become an impregnable fortress, but at least it ought to appear less attractive to burglars than houses that are plunged into darkness for long periods of time, especially in the middle of summer. (
R1 = 1k 500mW
R2 = 4k7
R3 = 560R
R4,R6 = 10k
R5 = 7k5
R 7 = LDR
R8 = 470k to 1 M
P1 = 470k potentiometer
C1 = 470µF 25V
C2 = 10µF 25V
C3 = 1nF5
C4 = 10nF
D1,D2 = 1N4004
D3 = diode zener 4V7 400 mW
LED1 = LED, red
D4 = 1N4148
T1 = BC547
IC1 = PIC12C508, programmed, see Downloads
RE1 = relay, 10A contact
S1 = 1-pole 3-way rotary switch
F1 = fuse 100 mA
TR1 = Mains transformer 2x9 V, 1.2 -3 VA
4 PCB terminal blocks, 5 mm lead pitch
5 solder pins
The PCB layout can be downloaded free from our website; file # 080231-1.
The source code and .hex files for this project are available free on; file #
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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Digital Isolation up to 100 Mbits

When it is necessary to send a digital signal between two electrically isolated circuits you would normally choose an optoisolator or some form of transformer coupling. Neither of these solutions is ideal; optocouplers run out of steam beyond about 10 MHz and transformers do not have a good low frequency (in the region of Hertz) response.
The company NVE Corporation ( produces a range of coupler devices using an innovative ‘IsoLoop’ technology allowing data rates up to 110 Mbaud. The example shown here uses the IL715 type coupler providing four TTL or CMOS compatible channels with a data rate of 100 Mbit/s. Inputs and outputs are compatible with 3.3 V or 5 V systems. The maximum isolation voltage is 2.5 kV and the device can cope with input transients up to 20 kV/µs.
Circuit diagram:
digital-isolation-up-to-100 -bits-circuit-diagramw

Digital Isolation up to 100 Mbits Circuit Diagram

The company produce many other configurations including bidirectional versions that would be suitable for RS485 interfacing. The IsoLoop coupler is based on relatively new GMR (GiantMagnetoResistive) technology. The input signal produces a current in a planar coil. This current generates a magnetic field that produces a change in resistance of the GMR material.
This material is isolated from the planar coil by a thin film high voltage insulating layer. The change in resistance is amplified and fed to a comparator to produce a digital output signal. Differences in the ground potential of either the input or output stage will not produce any current flow in the planar coil and therefore no magnetic field changes to affect the GMR material. Altogether the circuit provides a good electrical isolation between input and output and also protects against input signal transients (EMV).
Author: Gregor Kleine - Copyright: Elektor July-August 2004
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Friday, September 20, 2013

2003 Chevrolet Impala Wiring Diagram

2003 Chevrolet Impala Wiring Diagram

The Part of 2003 Chevrolet Impala Wiring Diagram: message center, instrument panel, coolant temp,
schematics, cooling fan, relay ctrl, serial data, high speed ctrl, black wire, blue wire, junction block, logic
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Simple VHF FM Aircraft Receiver

VHF FM Aircraft Receiver

VHF FM Aircraft Receiver is a supererogation receiver developed for listening to FM transmitters but also tunes the aircraft band and the top portion of the FM broadcast band. Receives both AM and FM (107mHz to 135 MHz). You can use this receiver with the any FM transmitter. The receiver is amazingly simple using only one transistor for the receiver section and one IC for the audio section. This circuit is a self-quenching regenerative RF receiver also known as a super regenerative receiver. A superregenerative receiver performs two basic functions. 
First it feeds back a portion of the received signal from it’s output in phase to its input; and second a super audible quenching oscillator drives the amplifier through the point of oscillation and maximum sensitivity and then quenches the oscillation repeatedly. This keeps the feedback from driving the circuit into self-oscillation and allows the signal to be regenerated over and over again. In this version of the circuit, both functions are performed by the circuitry associated with Q1. The rest of the circuit, shown to the right of L3 in the schematic, comprise the audio amplification circuit and are centered on the LM386 Audio Amp IC. In this configuration the LM386 is set at a gain of 200 and feeds it’s output to a standard 1/8-inch diameter stereo phone jack. The audio can then be heard by plugging any standard stereo headset into the jack.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

AM Radio built around LM555

 AM Radio built around LM555 Circuit

 AM Radio built around LM555

AM Radio built around LM555

AM radio built around 555 timer chip. The only active device (silicon, germanium, or otherwise) is the LM555. The tuning is accomplished with an inductor and a capacitor, and the LM555 acts as an AM demodulator and class-D power amplifier to drive the speaker. You may be wondering how all this is accomplished with a 555. Here’s how the circuit works: The AM radio signal is tuned by inductor L, which is 300 turns of wire on a 1/2 inch diameter cardboard tube made out of a paper roll, along with the 100pF variable capacitor. One end of the parallel configuration of L and C connects to an antenna (surprisingly long!) and the other end connects to a ground wire which is tied to the AC outlet ground (old books tell you to ground it to a water pipe).
 So far this is exactly like an AM crystal radio. The 555 timer is configured as a pulse width modulator in a non-traditional configuration. If I used the standard approach and connected the input to the CV pin, the low impedance of the pin would prevent the circuit from receiving any radio signals. I had to invert the circuit and tie both high impedance analog pins, Threshold and Trigger to the radio signal input. This is the reason why the CMOS version of the 555 timer performs much better than the standard bipolar, which has higher input bias current.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Designing a Light Detection

 In designing a circuit that can detect light, the most important component is the light sensor. One of the light sensor that we often encounter is LDR (Light Dependent Resistor).

Introducing the Light Sensor

LDR resistance changes with changes in light intensity hit it. In the dark, the LDR resistant is about 10 Mohm and the sunniness of 1 kohm or less. LDR is made from semiconductor materials such as cadmium sulfide. With this material, the light energy that falls cause more load is released or the electric current increased payload. That is, the resistance of the material decreases.
LDR is used to convert light energy into electrical energy. Automatic switches and burglar alarms are a few examples of tools that use the LDR. Because the response to light enough slow, LDR is not used in situations where the light intensity changed drastically.

Characteristics of LDR:
1. At the time not given light, LDR has a very high resistance could reach 10 Mohms
2. But when given a light, the barriers will come down drastically so that the voltage and current can pass through the LDR.

So how do we use the characteristics of the LDR to construct a light detector circuit?
Surely this LDR will be combined with other components. Here is an example circuit with LDR and other components.
Designing a Light-Detection
From the picture above, we can set (varying) the value of R1, R2 and potentiometer P1.

V+ = (RLDR / R1 + RLDR ) 5V

V- = (P1 / R2 + P1) 5V

For example we want to turn on lights automatically when dusk and the lights off automatically when the early morning. Here we can set the reference voltage to be compared with the input voltage of the LDR, we can set these voltages to match the surrounding light intensity.

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Monday, September 2, 2013

SD2 Smoke Detector

This smoke detector circuit diagram is based on the SD2 CMOS Photo-Electric Smoke Detector Integrated Circuit manufactured by Supertex INC and include almost all needed components to build a very simple and high efficiency smoke detector project .As you can see , this smoke detector circuit diagram is very simple an require few external components .

SD2 Smoke Detector Circuit diagram

The LED predriver output pulses an ex­ternal transistor which in turn, switches on the infrared light emitting diode at a very low duty cycle. The desired IR LED pulse period is determined by the value of the externai timing resistor. The Smoke Sensitivity is adjustable through a trimmer resistor which varies the IR LED puise width. The light sensing element is a silicon photovoltaic cell which is held at near zero bias to minimize leakage currents. The circuit can detect signals as low as 1 mV and generate an alarm. The IR LED pulse repetition rate increases when smoke is detected. The IR diode can be RCA Type SG 1010A or Spectronics Type SE 5455-4 Clairex and the IR Photo detector can be Vactec VTS4085 .

Because the SD2 CMOS Photo-Electric Smoke Detector IC is designed for use in low power, battery operated, consumer applications it needs a 9 volts DC power supply (or a 9 volts battery ).
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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Metal Detector Based on the TDA0161

These metal detector circuit diagram is based on the TDA0161 monolithic integrated circuit , designed for metallic body detection by detecting the variations in high frequency Eddy current losses. For detecting metals , TDA0161 require an external LC tuned circuit .

Metal Detector Circuit diagram

Output signal is determined by supply current changes. Independent of supply voltage, this current is high or low according to the presence or the absence of a close metallic object. This metal detector circuit use two LEDs , which offer an visual indication of presence or absence at a metals ,around the coil . To adjust the circuit you need to make sure there is no metal near the coil and then set the fine adjustment to a "Mid position". After that you need to adjust the course adjustment to turn on the LED and , adjust the fine adjustment to turn off the LED.

This detector electronic circuit operates over a wide range input voltage of 4 -35 volts .  If you want you can use other values for the Cx capacitor and for L1 inductor  ( changing this value will affect the frequency oscillation and the detection range ) .
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